Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why do some printers not let you print black and white docs when the colour cartridge is empty?

It's so annoying - I rarely print in colour anyway yet the tank still goes down even when choosing greyscale. Is there some way to continue printing even after the colour cartridge is empty?Why do some printers not let you print black and white docs when the colour cartridge is empty?
I dont particularly care for the way printer companies rip off their customers on ink, but this specific issue has valid reasons behind it. This might explain it do some printers not let you print black and white docs when the colour cartridge is empty?
you can to print properties and there should be an option stating if you want to use colour ink for black and white printing and vice versa.

how to do it

1 open a document

2 go to print command

3 when the print dialougue box appear click on print properties and make desired changes

or simplease of all i can look into your computer and try to fix it with remote assistance.
it depend on the printer model %26amp; brand. some allow some don't allow. once the ink cartridge is expose to air, whether you got use the colour or not it'll still gone down. even if all cartridge is empty, you are still able to print out black %26amp; white as there is still a limited amount of ink left which we can't see. once again depends on printer brand %26amp; model.
Go to control panel, right click the printer you use, choose printing preferences, then find where you can choose to use the black cartridge only, this should solve the problem.
it's a ploy by manufacturers to get you to buy new cartridges, even if you don't need them immediately. Cartridges are where they make their money on printers.
Some printers allegedly use small amounts of colour when printing black and white - to allegedly enhance the blacks blackness.

Me, I think its a rip off
Some printers are just built that way. It's a money maker for the printer manufacturer because they force you to buy more ink!

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